Join us on the Upper East Side for one of the major annual events of the art world.
Master Drawings New York gives top U.S. and foreign dealers in various media (mainly drawings and watercolors, but also oil paintings, photography, sculpture, and more) an opportunity to show their finest acquisitions to individual and institutional buyers and scholars. The items exhibited range from Old Masters to contemporary works, some newly discovered or not displayed publicly for many years.
Our itinerary will consist of 5-8 shows pre-selected by the host over a few days, with an exclusive presentation by a gallerist, artist, or dealer at many stops. Expect to see museum-quality works and to hear from world-class expert speakers.
- If you do not receive a purchase confirmation, please check your credit / debit card account to make sure the transaction went through.
- Emergency contact is (917) 680-0656 if you are late or lost. The voicemail greeting will list our first two stops. For all other info, send an "old-fashioned" text directly to my number. Do NOT attempt to reach me via email, Meetup, Ticketleap, Reddit or any other Internet-based channel, as those methods are not reliable on my phone.
- If you have bought a ticket but cannot attend, you have two options. To get a credit toward a future art tour or walk, notify me via direct (not Internet-based) text, voice call, or voicemail. (See phone number above.) This must be done BEFORE the listed start time so that the group does not get stuck waiting for you. Alternatively, you can send someone in your place; at check-in, simply have him or her mention the name under which you paid.
- Sorry, no refunds unless the event is cancelled or rescheduled.
- Please remember to bring a mask, proof of COVID vaccination, and photo ID, as these may still be required by some galleries.
- The event will last two to three hours. Afterward, we may go somewhere nearby for drinks, food, and socializing if there is interest.
- Art novices are welcome, as are people with extensive art backgrounds.